Here's the page where I tell a little about me, cause I'm special!


This has got to be the best game in the entire world. It's a strategy
FPS for the XBOX, and it's coming to PC soon! I'm going to be one of
the first to get it, too! Last I heard, it is being released around
the same time that HALO 2 is coming out for the XBOX.

PC GAME: Unreal Tournament
Beautiful game. I used to be all about Quake, and I am still a big
Quaker, but this game is more real and has better weapons (God, I
love that sniper Rifle!) Usually spend at LEAST an hour a day playing this.

One thing to say about this: It really kicks the llama's ass!

TV SHOW: The ScreenSavers
The best show on TechTV. The best
show ever! It's a live show on TechTV that lets viewers call live and
they help the callers with computer problems. They also deliver the
tech news, reviews, previews, and more. And even more, it's
hilarious. Got Root?

And now, my beast: HERCULES
1.3GHz AMD K7
256Mb RAM
Extra 1.6Gb Hard Drive Dedicated to Virtual Memory (upping the memory
to 1.8Gb)
40Gb Hard Drive
128Mb Radeon 8500LE with TV-OUT
Phillips PSC-703 4-Channel Surround Sound Card
Windows XP Home Edition
4.1 Channel Speakers (with subwoofer)
Nostromo N50 SpeedPad
Crappy 15" Monitor
Old Zip-100 Drive
Networked To:
Invidia (Roman God of Jealousy)
HP Pavilion 533MHz Celeron
128Mb RAM, 10Gb Hard Drive, 40x CD-Rom
Windows ME |