This is the page where you can submit your own tips, techniques, and
strategies. There are only a few simple rules to follow:
They must be for an FPS (First Person Shooter), like Unreal, Quake, etc....
They can't be something we all know, like "Use rocketjump to get
to high places!"
I don't want to hear about how "REAL pro's don't share secrets!
So screw you!" If you want to share some techniques or secrets
(you don't have to share all of them), then send them! If you don't
want to share, then don't! So in a nutshell, No Complaining!
So anyway, here are the links where you can submit. Choose your poison:
General FPS Tips
This is for any FPS tip, technique, or strategy that applies to any
FPS in general. How to move around efficiently, great gaming
hardware, setups, etc....
Quake Series Tips
This is for any tips that involve any of the Quake series. Weapon
efficiency, level tips, secrets, key configs, etc. (NOTE: I do NOT
want to hear anything on Quake IV right now. Nothing. This isn't a
news site, it's a tip archive.)
Unreal/Unreal Tournament Tips
This is for any tips that involve Unreal or Unreal Tournament. Same
stuff as quake, just for Unreal. (NOTE: I do NOT want to hear
anything on Unreal Tournament 2003 or any other upcoming Unreal
release. This isn't a news site, it's a tip archive.)
Doom Series Tips
This is for any tips that involve the Doom series. Same stuff as the
other game-related sections. (NOTE: Again, I do NOT want to hear
anything on Doom III right now. This isn't a news site, it's a tip archive.)
Anything HALO specific, goes here. Same as all the rest.
Other Game-Specific Tips
Any games that you don't see above, go into this category. Serious
Sam, AvP, Half-Life, etc. As long as it's an FPS, it goes here.
Thanks, and keep on gaming! |