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Practice Makes Gibs! By: Sno Not too good with the shock rifle? Not the best at the flak gun? Don't just avoid perfectly good weapons just because you're better at something else. A true pro is an expert with ALL weapons. This is where Mutators come in really handy. Say you're bad with the flak gun. Go to Practice Session, and turn on the Flak Arena mutator. Play until you become a flak-flingin fool! Don't feel bad when you keep on dieing at first, just keep playing. You'll learn. There's an arena mutator for most weapons, so just keep practicing with just them (this also helps learning defensive against the weapon). Are you angry because you do so well on single player, then get your gibs smeared all over the net? Do all your practice sessions on a harder difficulty. Dominate Experienced difficulty? Go up a step and play until you dominate the next difficulty (no telling how long that will take). It also helps to play with no less than 10 bots, because how often do you find a GOOD deathmatch online with 3 people? You become more experienced in a crowd. Using this technique, I can now dominate a game by walkin around with a sniper rifle (and not just by camping...). Don't avoid situations where you'd suck, divide and conquer!